Fooducation® Movie Series

Every LAST Sunday of the month, Fooducation® Movie Series host FREE community films and a potluck meal to help educate how food affects our health and our world. The Fooducation® Movie Series is a project under The Historic Cine El Rey Theatre Foundation, a non profit 501 (c) 3 organization and serves as a community outreach to help improve the health & wellness of our community through the art of educational films.
We're "Changing lives one movie at a time"
We're "Changing lives one movie at a time"
Grow'n Growers Farmers Market

Growing Growers™ Farmers Market is a community engagement project supported by the The Historic Cine El Rey Theatre Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization who's mission is about "Preserving the past for the future". By helping our community go back to our food "roots" and increasing the access to local sustainable food that has been grown using organic practices, we believe these efforts will create a vital ripple effect of helping improve the health of our community. Our mission is to support our local farmers and food growers by helping feed the families who feed us with healthier fruits and veggies that have not been grown conventional using pesticides.
Home Bakers Market™

Our mission is to provide healthier baked good options made from scratch from our local specialty Home Bakers many who use organic ingredients and meet the growing demand for paleo, gluten/grain free, vegan and diabetic friendly goodies.
The Artist Academy†
The Artist Academy with Drama-AMARD presents
Summer Theatre Workshop Monday - Friday July 27 - July 31, 2015 1pm -5pm Register online at or call Annie Jones at 956-537-1126 A community engagement project of The Historic Cine El Rey Theatre Foundation a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Students will learn: Acting Techniques, Characterization, Memorization, Movement for Actors, Pantomime, Improvisation, Speaking Skills, Sound & Lighting Design, Confidence Building, Costume Design , Monologue, Preparation, Makeup Design, Stage Combat, Audition Techniques, Portfolio Preparation |